Fallout 4 cure for virgil
Fallout 4 cure for virgil

fallout 4 cure for virgil fallout 4 cure for virgil

You must agree to this if they want to complete “The Glowing Sea” and continue the main story line. The Glowing Sea: After heading through the Glowing Sea and talking to Virgil about needing his help, Virgil will ask to get an experimental serum that he claims will make him a human again, but isn’t sure if it exists or not.

  • Read his log journals about FEV (Forced Evolutionary Virus).
  • Brian Virgils holo tape (needed for a different mission later, you’ll thank me) Brian Virgil, Tadradan shows us how to retrieve his serum from inside The Institute! Tadradan has brought us another great video! In this quick clip for Fallout 4 “The Glowing Sea” side quest for Dr.

    Fallout 4 cure for virgil